Hi ppl...

Well it took me this much time to fight my laziness and login to blogger.
Not much has happened in the past few months. And I am running out of topics to post here. Thinking of a few past ones, I thought of posting this incident...
2 days back, Raghu wanted me to wake him up for the environMENTAL sciences class. But because of the previous bad eperiences, he asked me if he could take the mobile, and then if I would get a call etc. After all such queries, he finally took the mobile, set the alarm and slept at around 8:20 AM. But.......guess what? my mobile got even smarter these days. The battery's life reduced very badly these days. So. it went out of charge even before 1 PM and poor Raghu wanted to wake-up at 1:30. Do I need to elaborate? :P

btw, I'm leaving home on 3rd of december....got to enjoy the whole month of holidays. Hope I would come across some nice incidents and topics to post here. see u ppl till then....have a nice time, bye


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