The guys who faced the train

Three brave boys decided one night to walk along "on" the rail tracks instead of walking on the road!! After walking for a short time, a train showed up with its head lamp from far ahead. The bravery in the person(1) who is on the lead took a short break and he slowed down. In his mind - "If I were Balayya, I would just have to raise an eyebrow or at max, hit my thigh hard enough to scare away the train (mind u, not the driver) so that it runs back on the same track". He thought "may be I should spare this train" and he got out of the way, and waved to the other two to do the same. The other two, who were coming side-by-side on either of the tracks heard him and saw the train. One of them got off as he dont want to show-off (well theres no one around even to see if he wish to show-off a bit). The other guy too came off the track and stood on the stones that lay beside the tracks. But as the train approached him (with the distance in between them less than 5 meters), he realised that he will get hit!! Suddenly he remembered a movie in which Aamir Khan jumps off the track when the train almost hits him. He did the same thing while the rest two watched dumbfound. The first guy was shocked so much that he seriously doubted whether this guy is frustrated to this extent by his job or his colleagues maybe...
But when asked, he replied "What a thrilling experience!!" :o

PS: Now, since you read this much, guess which one is me? :P


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