The lady in black

Date: 9/5/2008 -> Saturday
Time: Around 10:00 PM
Venue: Hotel Varishtta

4 guys (lets label them A, N, P, S) walked into the restaurant. They were told that there is no free table and were guided to the restobar.
So, they went into the restobar. As they walked in, they noticed a young lady in black saree sitting at the table opposite to the entrance.
They placed their order. 2 of them ordered beer.
As they were watching the IPL match on the TV, the lady, who is in the midway, looked at them every now and then. They were at first amazed...... Then elated........... Then worried.
Now she started looking more frequently. These guys now started conversations....
N: May be she is looking at us coz we r so young.
P: Arey she is looking at A and N, as she can see their faces.
N: Look at A...he got "I'm not totally useless" caption on his tee. So she is looking at me.
S: Or maybe she is looking at A as he is in his shorts :P
P: lol....maybe she is not interested in the 2 guys sitting on her she is staring at us
S: Also, she might be thinking abt the caption on A's tee. "I'm not totally useless..." and wondering abt the second half (but I can be used as a bad example). And so, trying to see whats hidden on the below half of the tee (covered by the table)
N: Arey now this is too much....she is staring at us every 2 seconds.
A:Now a days guys dont have much security...
P: Arey if something happens to you(A), we will report to the police :D
S: When she leaves, she'll come to A and say - "Nice legs!!" :P

And on goes this conversation....
They ofcourse never knew whats the conversation going on in her mind.

PS: some explicit lines have been removed for censorship compliance :)


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