The 'real' pain

Long time its been
the rhythm in life is no longer seen
we go to office in sun and rain
we work till our blood drain
a drain of young talent by emigration
depriving us of all the imagination
everyones keen
to change the daily routine
eager to win the race in every round
never bother about those who are around
everyones so cold
this my friend, is the corporate world.


  1. true, very true...corporate wrld takes more and gives less

  2. nice poem... but i didn't understand this part

    "a drain of young talent by emigration
    depriving us of all the imagination"

  3. @pavan

    that meant:
    young people go to metros and abroad
    they just work and work...and dont get time to get back to their hobbies and thus their creativity is not taking shape

  4. man that is really gud a soo true. Great Job!!!

  5. Gone are the days when I felt the wind and the rain,
    All i feel now is the work and the drain.

    No longer is the trigger of innocence fired,
    All I can shoot at is my own desire.

    Read - innocence is compared to the innocence of a child which leads to curiosity and learning new things.

    Anyways nice poem dude... So true, yet we are so helpless.

  6. @abhay, omni
    thanx for the comments :)

    well said!!
    the poet in u is also waking up slowly :D


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