
Inner voice (IV): Its been quite a while since you blogged...why don't u ponder on a topic for a new post?

Me: hmmm.....me me me me me :))

IV: Why do u always think of yourself when asked to blog?? Think of something else man!

Me: huh? ok. then what about writing about 'us'?

IV: Now what do you mean by 'us'? Don't tell me that you are again going to write about you and your inner voice

Me: haha ....no no. I meant we...the bachelors!!

IV: Big deal...whats there to mull over bachelors?

Me: See...you are also considering them to be a wretched subject.

IV: I tell you what...you are 0 % creative.

Me: Now why do you say that?

IV: You are again gonna narrate your woes.

Me: Come on...one hardly needs to be creative to portray facts.

IV: Haha...you make me laugh. Whos gonna give a damn to these good for nothing facts?

Me: Thats what you think. Even many others look down on bachelors as if they are insects. And thats why I wanna share some stories.

IV: mmmm...ok

Me: I sometimes wonder if people (married ones) had ever undergone any hardships in their bachelor life. Or did they do all sorts of nuisance and hubbub when they were bachelors? Or they ended up leading a miserable life and cant take it when someone in the neighborhood is enjoying to the fullest? The thing is they deny any bachelors to reside in their neighborhood let alone renting a house to bachelors. Its common to see on the notice boards of societies that "Bachelors are STRICTLY not allowed"!!.

IV: Its actually pretty simple. They don't want to take a risk.

Me: O please! We pay to the owner on the basis of how many people live in the flat. Do you think he will do the same thing when a family comes to reside? Also, when one of my friends came down and found that I am not at my flat, he asked the watchman if he can put his bag in the watchman cabin and wait outside. And to this, he was asked "Is there a bomb in that bag?" :o

IV: You really are dumb. With so many serial blasts in major cities and newspapers overflowing with the death tolls and all, don't you think one will be worried about an unattended bag or such thing?

Me: And what good is it to ask a person, who is coming along with me, to which room he is going? Don't you think its such a waste and only leads to frustration? And its very irritating when the watchman asks you daily morning while going to office - "How many people are staying at your flat?"

IV: Again they might be worried as to what are you up to...so many people coming and going...that you are probably making bombs :P

Me: Now you are sounding much like my society secretary...who always complains to my owner that many people come and go when its actually just 2 or 3 friends visiting occasionally. And what about this? At one of my friends flat, the people saw kids playing with a condom. And all of them are against our friends. And the bloody explanation they give is that the condom appears to be found by the children on the backside of the apartments, probably thrown out of the balcony or window, and that my friends flat could be the one from where it has fallen!! And after a meeting and some arguments, these people finally had to stick to their new rule, i.e., not to bring any girls to the flat. Is'nt it commonsense that its not pleasant when guys go over to the girls' house for project work? And when the girls come down, this is what that happens. My friend was so annoyed....he showed me that days news paper that 70 year old couple still enjoy and we are blamed for a fallen condom!!

IV: hmmmm....Now I'm speechless!! :o :o :o

Me: And thats what happens when you get to know the facts.


  1. wow... seems like u are having some nice adventures in mumbai... nice nice.. :)

  2. dude...making bombs is not their only concern...they have daughters coming off age and they r afraid that u might do something to them...dont u remember the owner saying tht something like that happened before...
    And as a matter of fact, we dont look tht innocent either...wht say???

  3. @Pavan
    haha...some good and some bad experiences :)

    the bombs episode is abt Vamsi...when he came to our apartment tht is wht tht happened.
    And yeah, our owner said tht...but it dint come to my mind while writing this post.
    aina wht good it is if they try to shoo off bachelors to protect their daughters just because of one incident?
    (neeku cheppalsinavi inka unnayi...fone lo cheptha le)

  4. hehehehe
    i remember the first day when "we" shifted to this new house... chavadobarugaa


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