Present scene:

It was a sunny evening..
Even at 5 PM sun was still shining high in the sky.
Pavan and Satish were relaxing in the balcony.
They were looking at each other and laughing.
They couldn't help but laugh at the incidents that took place in the last few minutes and well, the last few days too! They dint know that few more shocks were in store for them.

How it all started:

It all started when a group of friends (Pavan, Satya, Satish and Raghu) planned to give a gift to the newly married couple (Gautham and Pujitha) after a month. Well sometimes things get a little late ;)
As planned, on 8th Apr 2011, Satya and Pavan bought the gift and brought it to Pavan's place with some difficulty on Satya's bike. They thought that it would be better to take it in the car as it would be more convenient.
They called up Satish to come over the next day so that he could drive them (and the gift ofcourse) to the couple.
The next day they all left in the car as planned.
Poor Pavan couldn't lean back in the back seat and so faced some difficulty through out the drive.
Somehow they reached in one piece :P and played with Aadi for some time. Later they had dinner at Cocos that night.
After that, Raghu and Satish came back to the car and waited for the rest of them to arrive.

Silence before the storm:

It is at this point that something stupid crossed Raghu's mind.
He asked Satish to teach him how to drive a car.
Satish insisted him not to try on this car as this one makes more noise, doesn't start properly, and worse of all, doesn't stop once started!! (as the brakes take time to work)
But Raghu wanted to atleast know about the controls and operating them.
Satish showed him the needed controls and told him how they work.
At this point, Raghu got pumped up and asked Satish to get into the car and teach him.
Satish told him what all to do and before he could give him more tips and cautions, Raghu started off.
Luckily or unluckily, the steering was aligned towards right and as Raghu took off, the car raced towards the right side, bumped over a couple of rocks and came to a stand still just in between two small trees.

Miracle? Hell no!!

Not all people learn things easily and the same thing hit Satish on his head heavily! :(
Satish couldn't get himself to believe what the hell just happened.
He first got down and asked Raghu to check if there was any damage.
Raghu told that everything looked fine.
After rechecking the same, Satish got in and tried to get the car back on to the road.
Something blocked the tyres and the car whined to get back on to the road.
Raghu checked the tyres and told that there were a couple of rocks behind the back tyre and removed one of them.
But still the tyres dint move freely and skidded noisily.
In the meanwhile, Gautham, Pujitha, Pavan and Satya also arrived.
Gautham and Pavan came to check what happened and with some difficulty, they removed the second rock as well.
When Everything looked fine, Satish tried to drive the car but still the tyres refused to move.
After some investigation, it was found that the front right wheel got damaged and thus could not rotate!

It was already late and so Pujitha's father insisted that they could get a mechanic the next day.
With nothing much left to do, They all planned to go home and come back the next day.
Raghu & Satish left on Raghu's bike and Satya & Pavan left on Gautham's bike.
(Well it is necessary to mention who left on whoms bike as things are going to get only worse from now on)

Restoring things (wait a minute... somethings not sounding quite right)

Next day morning Satish went to Raghu's place, picked him up and went to the car.
They tried to remove the problematic wheel to check if the axle is fine but they couldn't grab the wheel out and decided to call the mechanic.
The mechanic removed the wheel and they discovered that there was a bump inside the wheel that was preventing the wheel from rotating.
He set it right and fixed it back.
The smiles started to head back to the doomed faces but just then...he insisted that the car be brought to the shed so that they can check the axle for any problems.
Hearing that the car would be ready by evening, Raghu and Satish went to Raghu's place and got back to the car shed in the evening and then Satish left in car to Pavan's place and Raghu went back to his flat.

Wait... that's not all!

Satish picked up Satya and when he reached Pavan's place, Pavan added another twist saying that he forgot his mobile and bike keys at his friends place!!
Satish and Satya thought Raghu got saved as he dint come over.
With no other option left, Satish decided to wait till night so that he can get back Gautham's bike to him.
Pavan's friend decided to keep up the twists and so dint turn up and Satish had to stay back for that night.

Is it over yet?

The next day morning also Pavan's friend dint turn up and so, Satish and Pavan left in the afternoon (on Pavan's mama's bike... as Satya took Satish's bike to his office) to finish off some work.
After that, they went to Satya's office, left the bike there and took Satish's bike and left to Satish's flat.
Pavan got a call at that time and another twist came to light.
He forgot the mobile but he lost the keys somewhere!!
After hearing the news, Pavan recalled that he vividly remember putting the keys in his pocket, had a coffee on the way, but forgot completely about them by the time he reached home.
'Kevvvvvvvvvvvvv' is the sound heard by Satish inside his mind.

A bit of relief

Gautham confirmed that the spare key was at Pujitha's place.
Planning to restore things as soon as possible, Satish and Pavan left to Pujitha's place.
It turns out that they arrived at such wrong time... as the house was locked!


Their determination was mocked at and their enthusiasm was severed!
All they could do now is sit and wait till everyone arrive and till then, make fun at their own frustration.

Again the present scene:

They just could not stop laughing at the whole series of incidents (and ofcourse the accident).
After everyone arrived, the search was started and it turned out that the keys were nowhere to be found! :(

Kevvvvvvvvvvvvvvv!!!!! (not again :( )

Aunty assured Satish and Pavan that the keys were along with some other documents and so ultimately they could be found in the house.
Again, Satish and Pavan left empty handed... thinking that the trip turned out to be another disaster.
On the way back, They stopped at Satya's office and planned to go to Eat-street.
Satish decided to take a break and left for his flat. Oh and by the way, Satya took Pavan's mama's bike to Pavan's place afterwards.

And finally!!

The next day morning, Satish went to collect the keys, left his bike there, and came to Pavan's place by bus.
Pavan had some work outside and so both of them went out. After that, Satish dropped Pavan at Satya's office and went to his flat happily... relieved that the whole mess got cleaned up.

Well if you have really reached this line, you either got loads of patience or free time or may be too bored :P
I guess you are still wondering about the title. Dont think too much... GPRS stands for Gautham Pavan Raghu Satish, the batchmates :)


  1. Nice....Malli Raghu gaadiki car ichche plans unnaya?

    Very nice detailed event log btw...Put up some pics in between :)

  2. Naa car kakapothe bokka naaku padakapothe ivvadaniki naaku abhyantaram ledhu :P

    pics levu ra... unte pettevaadine. Next time ilanti sanghatanalu jarigithe photos n videos theeyadaniki try chesthanu :)

  3. rei... Take a pic of Pavan's car annd paste it...


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