Revelations at a hospital

Not all things look good in life.
When some look unpleasant, some makes one feel disturbed.
Some even deteriorates one's self-confidence significantly.
For instance, the ambiance at a hospital would definitely not be a pleasant one...
The sight of physically wounded people, ranging from months babies to corporate professionals to retired gramps and grannies definitely wont be what one wishes to see. Some would try to avoid hospitals just because they cant withstand the unpleasant reality. Some would try all possible methods to avoid a needle prick while some would be willing to sell out all their wealth just to recover. The patients and the care takers would be all over the place, the guards and nurses guiding and soothing the patients, the doctors busy all day with rounds and surgeries.
Some coming out with surreal treatments while some having a hard time digesting the tragic incidents.
But amidst all the chaos, theres something which is not observed often.
Its the hope, challenge, struggle, care, love, zeal, lesson, and above all, life!!

The patients hope of fighting the illness...
The doctors challenge of curing the patients...
The junior doctors' zeal to climb up the career ladder...
The nurses care for the patients...
The guardians love for the patients make them wait patiently and be on the patients side all day all night no matter what the situation.
The patients hope of getting back to normal life....

All the people are interlaced with different mindsets and thoughts.
But one thing is common in all of them.
They all experienced pain in life!
The strife for overcoming the pain and burden, and the dream of living happily keeps them going about the chores.

The positive mindset rises like the flaring fire! The never dying desire to live life in such a way that even dreams feel low keeps them going! The motto of 'Keep rising, keep going' makes them chase after the dreams and live till the last breath!!


  1. it is not that it is not is just not discussed i guess...also, one doesn't go there regularly unless he/she works there...and i hope anyone shud find the need to go there regularly

    Anyways...good presenation of ur observation ;)

  2. which is why its a popular choice for a tv serial setting...bcoz of the various gamut of emotions on display :)

    jokes apart, we in general donot prefer to discuss the unpleasant. Its the way things are. We need to bring abt tht change in the world around, slowly but surely.


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