Hit the road! - part 1

Yes, that was the thought lingering in my mind for quite some time now, but I wasn't sure yet if I would be doing it as I dint find company for the Sankranthi trip.
Its 13th Jan (friday) and I finally found 3 more people and decided to hit the road at 3 PM.
Finally we started at around 4 PM
I planned to go on a not-so-good route in order to avoid the festival-season traffic.
The road was good but full of cars till some 100 km and then I deviated to Ongole route.
After deviating from Vijayawada route, the traffic indeed decreased, but the speed breakers and potholes made the journey a nightmare!
I couldn't speed more than 40 kmph for most of the time due to poor lighting and for avoiding the gigantic potholes... its not a surprise to say that the max I could reach is 90
The road work made things even worse!!
Reckless cars came head on trying to overtake the trucks and buses, and we had to brake all along.
I was estimating the time all along and thought I could make it to my grand parents' place by 10:30 PM
And not after much time did I realize that my estimation is too greedy... we were going at a much slower pace!
And just to spoil my plans further, the left front tyre hit a pothole and got punctured :(
Thats not all! To everyones shock, we learnt that we dint have the car jack!
The clock is showing is close to 11:00 PM
Just 2 options in our minds.
Try stopping every car that came our way and ask for a jack.
If nothing works, sleep in the car for the night and try our luck the next day morning.

The first car stopped, they had a jack, but the person said that they were getting late.
Luck favored with the next car.
They helped us with replacing the tyre (well, we dint have much experience in changing the wheel and also, we found out that we dint have a spanner also!) and insisted that they would follow us as we dint have a spare wheel.
So we started off again, much relieved, and after some 70-80 km, we hit NH-5.
It was 1 AM when I finally reached the destination after dropping everyone.

The riders:
Driver: None other than me
The company: Ravi (my cousin), Suresh (my colleague) and his brother

Behold! part-2 would be even more intense!!


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