Chaotic Peace

Peace... Chaos!
Chaos... Peace!
Look around you...
The chaos seems to be peacefully surrounding you.
Look at you...
The peace seems to be in chaos.
Look closely...
The peace seems to volatile. Waiting to fade away at the slightest turbulence.
The chaos seems to be waiting to settle down.
Look at the people around you...
Many of them won't be able to make your peace stronger.
Few of them would share the peace, but leave with their share sooner or later... and might or might not come back often.
Very few of them pour in their peace to make you believe in it.
Sometimes, you might feel alone in chaos amidst a bunch of familiar faces.
Sometimes, you might feel the peace in you relaxing in the rocking chair when you are alone.
Look deep within...the absconding paranoid finds the nest to rest.
The peace might be chaotic... but the chaos would also be peaceful.
They co-exist like the 2 faces of a coin... chasing each other at every toss.

Now look at batman...
He might love to work alone... but he would still need a team ;)

Now lastly, look at the mirror...
and smile at your reflection...
and make the life in you show up on your face! :)


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