Bag of memories

I walked into the room where I left my backpack.
My eyes involuntarily focused on the bag.
The bag contains a significant amount of luggage I had piled up over the past seven and a half years.
And somehow my mind quickly came up with the title of this post.
It also started thinking about all kinds of perspectives I should be having, and also how I should feel about it.
The questions which it evoked would seem rather simple:
"Is it good?"
"Is it bad?"
"Are you happy?"
"Are you sad?"
"Is it heavy?"
"Is it light?"
"Do you want to relive those days?"

In a nutshell, my mind provoked me to think about "Did it go well?" part.

I filled the bag yesterday while sorting out things and documents. I already knew that the bag would be heavy. But my heart did not feel as heavy while carrying it back home. It felt good to be alive and having a chance to go through the experiences.
I am glad I had something (that I like) to carry, even though I prefer riding without a backpack :)

Of late, the roller coaster rides were more frequent. The smooth rides were scarce.

The other day, the absconding paranoid stopped for a while.
He started poking me again with all the weird questions.

"Is everyone out there sane enough on the inside as much as they look to be on the outside?"
"Is everyone who's labelled insane, as crazy on the inside as they were perceived from the outside?"
"What exactly means by growing up?"
"Do we get more clarity as we grow up?"
"Or do we feel more and more insecure as we grow up?"

Sure enough, the questions were reflecting his personality.
But I am glad, that I had some clarity!
What matters to me, is parity!
What happens, whether I like it or not, whether you like it or not, is reality!
I can accept it, or I can question it.
In the end, I need to understand it.
There it lies, the innermost beauty of purity!
I wish we continue the legacy of unity! \m/

Embrace the levitating feel, and keep riding with a smile!
One or the other would surely notice and get inspired!
Deep inside is the simple desire.
To light a bright fire, and avoid a flat tyre! :P


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