Finding Right Thing @ Right Time!! (edited)

I faced this situation many times....But failed in finding the right thing at right time..... almost every time!! Whether it is:

1. a book(worse if the book is issued from the library) or Xeroxed notes(this usually gets missed 1 or 2 days before the exam...most probably, it could be found just after that exam or after the exams are over)

2. money(this is very miserable condition....Even if u dont remember, you actually try ur luck to find some money)...To know more about this case, read Abhay's blog(episode: Brokeback Diaries).

3. tablets(another miserable condition.... when you have your nose running like "Ganga jal" you could'nt find the cold act tablet you supposedly kept in your room)

4. shuttle racket(Now this is the case when you dont actually remember to whom you have given it....worse when even the other person you need to search the whole boys hostel as things like rackets change hands even faster than money..)

5. CD(ye rayi ayithe enti....pallu udagottukodaniki.....I mean to say "whether the CD is a movie CD,game CD, OS CD or any other software CD or even blank CD....each kind is equally good at missing and making things messy for you)

6. Broom(surprised?? in DA-IICT, even brooms get added to the list)

7. Room keys!!( now this is real tough situation....You are deprived of searching your room!! worse if your roomie locks the room with your keys inside and goes out of station...and that Baria on leave.....and the worst if all this happens when you go to bath) To avoid this particular case....some ppl like Raghu make a duplicate key and keep it in a room which is accessible 24 hrs a day.

8. Eatables...which you brought with you when you come back to college (hehhehhee...The actual scenario is when you dump all your luggage in your room and went out and came back in an hour or so, you actually find your eatables bag missing....the reason is so obvious.....that you know its no use searching for it!!)

9. bathroom slippers (edited after reading comments......In DA-IICT, if anyones slippers are wornout, 90% of them will use neighbours' slippers instead of buying new ones(Mind u...I am also one among the list :D). So, naturally one would find his slippers missing at the very time he need them as all the people need them more or less at the same time ;) hehe..) Possible solution -> lock ur room safely with all ur valuables when u leave....ofcourse, this is followed only by 10% of the people)

10. head phones( hmmm.....ppl buy PCs but dont bother about headphones while naturally these too change hands real fast....Lenin, our Boys Hostel Residence Warden, some times roams around and keeps pestering the students to decrease the volume of the speakers even if the sound is just audible to the door....also sometimes, ppl feel not to disturb their neighbours. Whenever you face this situation, in 80% of the cases u find ur headphones missing!!)

I actually thought of writing an IEEE paper on this topic. Why should'nt I?? I heard ppl writing on topics like DEAD GRANDMOTHER'S SYNDROME - summarizing that the probability of your grandma leaving this world increases when your exams approach.....what on earth made those ppl write on such topics??

PS: Hope you guys had good time reading this...But if you did'nt, and think that its just a waste of time reading this crap, sorry fellows....koncham late gaa realize ayyaru :P


  1. nice one.. but looks similar to the one in abhay's...

  2. cudnt agree more about the Keys and the Brooms, u shud be including "bath slippers","headphones" etc etc

  3. @pavan
    I thought of writing even before on this topic i.e., when I told u abt updating ...but due to my laziness, it took a little late....

    yeah...I should have included those problem..will include now.


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