My mobile

This post is dedicated to my Reliance LG mobile which makes me pay high bill somehow or the other. Sounds different? read on.....

Scenario 1: In the summer of 2005, We had industrial internship and I went to Hyderabad regarding this... As usual, I called home and I am welcomed by busy signal. I tried again, again and again....but the response kept on repeating. Frustrated, I called another friend in Guntur....I faced the same response repeatedly...finally It came to my stupid brain that the problem is with my network and not the ones I am calling... Then slowly I realized that I could'nt call any BSNL land-lines in Guntur!! I was able to make a call to Hyderabad land-lines. It seemed as if Reliance wanted me to LIFT the phone when I'm ROAMING so that my bill could go high.

Scenario 2: Almost at the same time, Reliance sent an SMS to me stating that updated plans are available now....I checked my current plan. It showed JOY 149(outgoing STD 3.99 Rs/min). I checked the new plans...It said NEW JOY 149(outgoing STD 2.49 Rs/min) and some others which I'm not concerned. I thought they were showing me the same old plan with reduced call rates. But believe me, after 6 months, I realized that my bills are going where near my expectations...I visited the "Reliance Web-world" and they were not able to sort out my problem. Again frustrated, I called Reliance customer care...they said JOY 149 and NEW JOY 149 plans were different...same rentals but different call rates (Now what is this nonsense??) and one should subscribe the latter one in order to enjoy the new call rates...again I thought RELIANCE got me!! Even now, I could'nt understand why this "Reliance", named so, with many "computerized" webworlds across India cannot update my Tarriff plan automatically but could send automated SMS and calls. grrrrrrrrrrr

Scenario 3: Few weeks back, I was waiting for the other person to call me...but in vain....finally I called the other person only to know that they have tried calling me and were recieving switched off message. When I called the Reliance customer care, they told me in the usual kind manner that Reliance network in Gandhinagar is under maintenance!!

Scenario 4: This has nothing to do with fate is so bad that I get calls only when I forget my mobile in room or keep it in vibrate mode...Again I need to call the other person

Scenario 5: Reliance provides "R-World" services which, they tell, would cost zero rental per month if unused. But I got bill for R-World atleast 3 or 4 times even if I didnt atleast use its free services. What the hell?? I again visit the "Web-World" to get the same old answer that they charge me only if I use it but no charge for free services. Now this really tests my patience!!

My mobile seems to get smarter day-by-day and is good enough to find another reason to increase my bill.


  1. frust aa... apparently, only postpaid cutomers face these probs... anyway, lets sue reliance... :)

  2. So wht do yu want to do abt the so called "RELIANCE"...

  3. If I find ppl who had similar experiences, its better to do what pavan said :D

    else...what all I can do is post a blog on reliance in blog :((

    PS: Kishore, plz do add ur name at the end of ur comment

  4. what if u r expecting a call from a pretty girl, she wants to call u up but gets the busy signal...that'd be such an irony......u'd want to call too, but wud be as eager to talk as the other person is, but the wating does kill.....i think i've gone way off track here....nice post...only reitereates one very painful point,

    Never rely on Reliance ;)


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