I've been tagged !!

I've been tagged by Abhay. This tag is about the most embarrassing moment(s) in your life.

I have only a few funny ones........here they go.

This incident took place years back....

My cousin(hardly 8 yrs old) and me(2 years younger) went to uncles house with our parents....
While all r inside the house, I felt bored and came to the gate of the house. Few meters away, some stray dogs were fighting. After some time, somehow they all left.....except one. It slept at the same place. I noticed that it had a white patch on its back. So innocent I was, I thought that this dog could be tamed!!! coz I donno the difference between a Pomeranian and a stray dog. I went to it and slowly touched the white patch. The dog took my hand in its mouth (luckily it dint bite me) and then left as it was scared. I was more puzzled than scared. While this all happened, my cousin was watching me silently from the gate. Having seen such hilarious scene, he started laughing heavily. I dint realize the reason at that instance but few years down the line, I laughed at myself being such a stupid whenever I remembered that :))

(few more incidents will be added as soon as I remember them)


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