Because *I'm that* bored

Because *I'm that* bored
(I've been tagged !! episode-3)

Name: Satish Chandra
Nickname(s): chandu, satti, sattanna, satti pandu

Single or Taken? : Single
Sex: Male
Birthday: September 27
Blood group: B +
Sign: Libra
Siblings: a brother
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Brown
Shoe size: 10/11....Depends on the make
What are you wearing right now? An undershirt, blue night pant, a gold ring on my left ring finger, a 'kaasi thadu' on my right-hand wrist and a pair of head phones :D
Where do you live? Mumbai (Navi [new] Mumbai to be precise) as of now. Home towns Guntur

Have You Ever:-

given anyone a bath? :
bungee jumped? : no
broken the law? : yea, many times :D
made yourself throw-up? : yuck...
gone skinny dipping? : Nope
been in the opposite sex's bathroom? : nope
eaten a dog biscuit? : never!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
put your tongue on a frozen pole? : bad question for a guy living in a place like this :D
broken a bone? : Yeah...bone of a chicken :P
played truth or dare? : No
been in a physical fight? : Haha...yeah
been in a police car? : no
been on a plane? : no
been in a hot tub? : no
swam in the ocean? : No way.....i cant even swim full length in a pool
fallen asleep in college? : Yeah yeah :D
Cried when someone died? : No
Flashed someone? : No (excluding the usage of ';)' emoticon)
Lied? : Yeah :) but whats the use...ppl wud knw it right by looking at my face (another lie ;) )
Laughed so hard you fell off your chair? : yeah
Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call? : ppl dont mind to call me any time at night :)
Saved e-mails? : yup :)
wished you were someone else? : nope...I love to be myself.
wished you were a member of the opposite sex? : No
Been rejected? : hmmm...nijam cheppamantava abaddam cheppamantava? :P
used someone? : nope
been cheated on? : nope AFAIK
Done something you regret? : Yeah...but most of the times that fetched good for me :)

First Thing That Comes to Mind:-
Yellow: yellow yellow dirty fellow :D
Blue: blue is cool (my bro's pulsar)
Happy: the song 'Egire mabbulalona' (from the movie Happy)
Autumn: crispy leaves, beautiful shades of sky, empty trees, lonely parks..chilling breeze ...well u knw, I'm into poetry :P
Cow: (tell abt cow) aavu ki naalugu kaallu undunu, rendu kommulu undunu, aavu gaddi thinunu, aavu peda veyunu. (now tell abt aeroplane). aeroplane aakasam lo ki egurtundi. dani kitiki lo ninchi chusthe nela meeda aavu kanipistundi. aavu ki naalugu kaallu undunu..(and on it goes :D)

Have you ever had:-

chicken pox? Yes
sore throat? Yes.
cold? Yes...just recovered from it :D
stitches? Yea...4 of them
bloody nose? Yea...when my class mate punched right on it...back in 8th std...and sometimes in summer back in school days
sex? that a disease? :P

Do you:-

believe in love at first sight? : Yeah, I love my mom, dad and bro(not as much as my parents though :P)
enjoy parks? : naah
like picnics? : never been to one till date!!
like school? : totally....still missing school like hell
hate anyone? : No...In fact...I hated some ppl back when I was a kid...but not anymore :)


is the last person that called you? : Harsha
makes you laugh the most? : many...My mom, cousins, family friends, actually blessed u knw :)
can make you feel better no matter what? : I, Me, Myself :D (realised this very be frank, just after reading this very question :P)
was the last person you touched? : Again, I, Me, Myself :P
you hugged? : Ravi
you yelled at? : dont remember...its been ages since I yelled at someone actually.
told you they loved you? : Mom undoubtedly :)

Do You/Are You:-

like yourself? : hell yeah :D
dye your hair? : Nope
have piercings below the waist? : eww....yuck
stolen anything over $50? : nope
like ice cream? : ofcourse yes
Flavor : anything from Vanilla to Chocolate
like cold coffee? not a lot more above this on the list
Smoke? nope
have beer? : nope
obsessive? : nope
Compulsive? : nope
Depressed? : No as of now.
suicidal? : Not in the recent past


Prized possession: Got plenty of them!!
Last thing you said? : kaha jaarahe ho? Mumbai?? (to Rohit)
What is beside you? : a guitar, many dvds, newspapers, pillows, matress, blanket, water bottles, wrist watches, a bag, belt, mobile, its charger, its ear phones, laptop, its charger, a wallet, a cam, its cable, an empty hide and seek biscuit packet, cool drink pet bottles and a lot me, this room holds a lot of things for its capacity :D
Last thing you ate? : thought of writing "chicken fingers curry, chicken fried rice at a Chinese restaurant" but alas!! I emptied a hide and seek packet just before starting this post.
Are you right handed or lefty? Right
Favourite song: In the End - Linkin Park
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: Coming to know that one of my best friends is no longer gonna stay in touch wid me :(

Time started: 11:43:00 AM
Time finished: 12:40:56 PM

To share my boredom, am tagging ppl who r equally bored.



  1. Botthigaa pani paata lekundaa kottukuntunnavuraa

  2. "last person u touched: I, Me, Myself"...dude tht is seriously weird answer...everyone will take it the wrong way (i hope you wht it means when someone says - "i touch myself") hoping against hope u wrote the answer without thinking :D


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