
There are two meanings for the title of this post. One is the inevitable change one has to face in ones life. The others the small ratio of the root of all evils.
In either aspect, this title is apt.
To start off this miserable story, I got placed in a company in Mumbai because of the kind hearted guy who was the visiting HR to our campus then.
I came here, searched for a flat to live in, paid the brokerage, caution deposit and finally settled here.
Six months down the line, we felt that the flat is too congested and decided to move on to a better flat.
We approach the same broker. That guy, who shows so much goodwill, again asks for brokerage that too without any concession. Might not be a wrong thing.
After a couple of months, the owner and broker had a big fight. Each saying that the other cheated upon them. The owner saying that he was given 7500 while we were charged 8000. The broker saying we are the ones who showed you the flat and how come the owner comes into the picture.
The owner finally says to pay each months rent directly to him, without approaching the broker and that he no longer needs the broker's service. After a high drama of phone calls, missed calls, conference calls, this ends up peacefully.
This owner wants the money even before the month starts sometimes, just because he comes here a couple of days early. If I forget to deposit the rent on the day he asks, he would just shout over the phone.
Now, after almost an year, the license agreement ended. The owner says we would renew without the broker in picture. He gave the new form, we are about to hand the same to him.
And at this point of time, the broker made an entry, wants me to go to his office and give him the renewal brokerage. He says - 'how come you would renew without consulting us?', and that he wants the money right now and that he could even grab the money by force.
The owner says not to give a damn to that broker and to ignore his calls.
The broker again enters, but this time demands the money in a more harsher tone. No matter what I say (that the owner dont want you in the picture), he clings to the same question - 'through whom did u enter into this flat?' and demands his share saying - 'look, you came a long way here to earn money', 'even we dont like any quarrels', 'if u give the money now its good otherwise later you would have to pay double', 'if not here, we would just get our hands on you outside somewhere' etc. When I ask them to talk to the owner, he would say 'how does he come into the picture? its you we are concerned about'. When I again insist to contact the owner, he would just shout some abuses and that he could grab the money by any means. Left with nothing to do, I ask 2 days time to enquire other brokers about these kind of scenarios and he leaves. saying 'I dont want to come here again, you come to the office and talk, and next time if I come here the situation would be pretty bad'.

Finally, after talking to the roommates, we decided to pay off these goons for their kind words and concern. Tomorrow is the day...we are gonna waste some hard earned income on some lazy bum relaxing in his office.

PS: I dont want to change into this kind of a coward...but what to do? wait for those goons(who wants the 'change' no matter what) to break in and destroy some property (read PC and laptop, or even a guitar) without the slightest good will that once I reinstalled windows on his PC without any cost??
GOD...are u listening??


  1. tell the agent that you are vacating the house and will work with another agent or on your own. ask him to settle this whole affair. Because your owner doesn't want to deal with this guy either, talk and draw up a fresh new lease contract.

  2. mama, u seem to be in a big fix...bombay land mafia are pretty strong and well networked....lets hope all goes well

  3. @TMaYaD the problem here is that normally the renewal brokerage should be paid, but the owner wants to get renewed directly without broker..for which the broker wouldnt agree. Even the broker said - 'enquire all the brokers here and even if one of them says u dont need to pay, u can come to me and slap me'
    The thing is, even if we r gonna hunt for a new flat, it would cost more or less the same for brokerage.

    yeah man...that guy totally spoiled my sunday X-(
    lets hope we would get out of this today

    you would just listen..but GOD would do something rather than just listening :P

  4. @Naren avunu babu...nenokkadne mothaniki elano handle chesanu.


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