Hapless Hope

I know that you are there
I know that you are listening
you are aware that I am thinking about you
How can you be so harsh to me?
I know that you are watching my every action
But still why this indifference?
I sent you so many messages. My sincere thanks, deepest apologies...what not?
You receive each and every one of those.
Yet you don't respond
What all did I ask you?
Just one favour!
And you still ignore it as if you want me to wait?
Is that your test for my patience?
You know how much it hurts to wait. Don't you?
I know that I am pestering you too much of late
But what to do? I am just any other guy
You seem to enjoy watching this hapless being
And yet you are invaluable and get high attention
Hope is the only thing that fetches you the respect
No wonder so many are afraid of you!
And very few like you from the bottom of their hearts.
What is it that makes you so popular?
Fear? Love? Or the deadly combination of both?
Probably this combination makes you unique!
And maybe that's why you are called GOD!!


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