Pure Luck

I dont know if this post makes sense here but this has been quite a rib-tickler since a few weeks :)

One fine day at the coffee place, one guy was narrating this joke from Santosham movie:

'Brahmi approaches Nagarjuna and asks a question as to how an egg which falls from top floor doesnt break.
Nag tries all sorts of answers but Brahmi disapproves all. He finally reveals the answer that the reason is 'Pure Luck' :D '

To this, we laughed alot. Just then another guy, who recently recovered from an accident, entered the coffee place and asked us why we were laughing so much.
Another guy replied :

'There is this guy, who fell from his bike, skidded a good 10 m, and escaped unhurt. How?'

'Is he wearing gloves and knee pads?'




'He fell on the bike?'


'Then how?'

'Its Pure Luck :D'


A few days later, some guys were solving puzzles.
One guy posed a question:

'A truck of 10 m height needs to go through a tunnel of 9 m height. How?'

'Remove the tyres?'


'Cut the lobby?'


'Break the tunnel?'


'Then how?'

'Very simple. Deflate the tyres :D '

'Does that reduce 1 m?'


'But how is it possible?'

'Hehe... the same way that tall a truck exists ;) '

At this point, another guy came into the picture and said:

'I have another answer'

'What is it?'

'Pure luck!! :P '


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