Its all about...

If I'm looking at you,
I'm not just looking...
I'm observing.. I'm thinking... I'm hoping.. I'm willing
I've been looking for you... trying to find you in every face I see.
Observing your every action..
observing your thoughts...your cute eyes.. and the way they show the world
I look forward to meeting you.. thinking about the conversation..
thinking about the ambiance..and how breath-taking it becomes with your presence
I'm hoping to be with you...and willing to listen to all your jokes and smile with you
Your thoughts poke me when I sit down to write something
I become so obsessed that I try to erase everything else
It's like being energetic...ebullient..excited.. it's like enjoying life
How I wish that my life is full of you!
It would be great to fill my memories with the moments that remind me of you!!
I'm willing to look at myself everyday... and find you within me..o my dear happiness!!!
I guess it makes good sense now :P :D ;)


  1. Quite Interesting ... Reminded me of some cute moment if my life !!

  2. Replies
    1. I have read your telugu blog aswell ..pleasant :) Hope to read many more interesting articles from you!!

    2. Thanks for the compliments! Would definitely be posting on both the blogs.

  3. i like your English blogs ... some views are expressed really very well :-)

  4. Is it really happiness that u are looking for? Well interesting :)


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