Mind blowing skill :P

Lemme tell u ppl a few of the sports or games I played and the skill I have at each of them :D
To start with Basketball, we used to play late nights a couple of years back.
Whenever I get the ball, I feel very tensed. So, I try to pass it instead of moving ahead.
In this confusion, when I look around, all wud shout "pass here" "pass here". Finally I end up giving a perfect pass to the opponent :))
Well the very next moment, all the players were found rolling on the floor coz they cud'nt control their laughter.

Well as sems pass by, we change the sports and the timings too.
We shifted to football and used to play early in the morning. With a max of 6 players each side(coz its very difficult for others to wake-up so early), we used to play half-field.
It so happened when I was playing forward for my team and Potu(Puneet) was the goal-keeper on the opposite side.
I somehow managed to reach the goal post with the ball. With one major jump to my left with my left leg forward, I swung my right leg with full strength I cud gather at that time. Potu made a dive to his right side. Now guess what, the football was stuck between my legs and thus I still had the ball and the goalkeeper was on the ground without the slightest knowledge of the blunder I did.

After realising it, I just kicked the ball to my right side and BINGO!!I made the goal!!! :D
My teammate, who was observing all this, thought that I was consciously doing all this :o
He came running to me to appreciate my skill!!!

And during the last sem, we used to play football in the evening. This time, Potu was'nt available. So Abhay was gaurding the goal-post and this time again I was just a few feet away from him with the ball in front of my feet. I thougth this time I wud'nt make a mistake and swung my leg in such a way tht Abhay turned half-way round in order to avoid any possible injury. lolz. I cud'nt atleast make contact with the ball. Again and again, I tried but in vain. I cud clearly see the fear on poor Abhay's face who did'nt know my "skill". All the players were looking anxiously to see if I succeeded in my attempts. Finally I managed to give a pass to Rohit who was next to me. He made the goal and then fell on the ground without waiting for a second. Well, u cud expect the reason. Even all the players did the same.

And hey, I forgot to mention about volleyball.
The hilarious part here is my serve!!!.
Nobody cud ever expect where I cud place the ball on the opposite side(mind u, "Nobody" includes me as well).

I think I wud stop here....
The next post can be expected in about a week or so.


  1. mama nee shuttle skill gurunchi rayaledhuuuuuu

  2. shuttle em kharma,
    inka cricket gurinchi kuda rayali.
    avanni rasthe chadivevadu papam navvaleka emauthadoo ani rayala.
    wud write it in some other post


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