Done wid the exams in B-Tech :)

I thought of writing this post long back in december just after the exams are over...and also 1 week back but my lappy crashed!!! well at last here it is

Asusual we played day night matches for all exams...for one of the exams, Tarak was taking a tutorial. Till then, Dharma also studied and then slept. During this tutorial, the snore of Dharma dominated Tarak's voice... we started laughing at our fate.
Also during one of the electives exam, malpractices went to such an extent that one person contacted the other through mobile :)) and then one wrote answers on the question paper and passed it on. Overall, the exam results were a blast. The ones who were expected to give good grades gave D's and F's. And for those who failed for the first time, this was a very bad stroke as this time there will be no reexam. Worst thing is some of these people already made it to the IIMs and got projects at different universities.
The talks and mails with administration turned out to be waste asusual. I wonder how proffessors dont find time to look at the projects that fetch the grades to the students but manage to give D's and Fs.
These days, my mobile's battery got very weak...gets switched off in a few hours...which is supposed to last for few days. So I could'nt talk for more than 30 minutes at a stretch. donno
if its irritating me or saving my bill...


  1. those profs sure r makin life hell for a few of us....btw, when was tarak's tut, i missed it :P


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