The last sem @ DA-IICT :) :(

The loooooong awaited final sem has finally arrived. No labs....24/7 bewarse.
Things to do: Prepare for GATE, Meet prof., Start writing the project literature
But the daily routine is nowhere near this. Playing shuttle, basketball and cards, watching movies is the daily routine these days. Of course, chatting and browsing are always on the list. Dont know how everyone feels when leaving DA-IICT. 4 years of B-Tech will be over in few more months but the memories I had in these 4 years will be unforgettable.

......(to be continued)


  1. @priyatham
    ya sure....rastha. thanx for the compliment man[:)]

  2. yea, it's gonna be a tear-jerker to see all our frens move outta campus....


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