The last sem - some facts

One cold night @ DA-IICT

Mr. G: Arey I wanna eat ice-cream
Mr. R: U should fulfill such wishes asap. Otherwise, u will become a ghost and haunts for the Icecream :P

The meaning of Loose Control!!
So simple...loose control over ur life :P Donno what to do since u wake up...spend the time thinking of how to use it preciously...and then go to sleep.
If not feeling sleepy, then open orkut...keep refreshing the home page every minute only to know that no one is bothered to scrap u. Sign in to messenger and wait for hours again to find that ur buddy list is busy with respective schedules.
But to restrict u, freedom updated version disconnects every hour...with number verification and also only a few hours at a time for chatting.
On top of all, to interrupt these beautiful ideas, DA-IICT plans powercut which lasts 7 full hours!!!

Still left with time?? watch movies in loop. Listen to songs with shuffle and repeat on. Voice-chat with ppl frm same or next ask the same old routine question-"em chesthunnav ra?"
Still in quest of new pastime? Go straight-away to gym. But I must tell u....u will find the door locked...ppl using the windows as doors :o And even the windows locked for the drinking water room next to it. Go to Sports Complex. oops....tomorrow is Republic day and so sports complex is also locked!!

PS: No matter how differently u do things, ur administration will ruin it :)) Drives ppl like me crazy and so posts start somewhere....end wierdly


  1. hav u seen the movie 'the shining' ? it tells u what all an idle mind can do :)

  2. nope man....i dint see tht movie...
    as i mentioned in the last sentence, the idleness of my brain drives me crazy and so i write such posts :P


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