HOLIdays episode

well....not much of holi...but enjoyed the holidays to the fullest.
The journey to the home was a real disaster....the train was 8 hours late. Normally, I reach home by 10:40 AM ....but this time it was 6:00 PM...
By the time I reached home, grand parents were waiting for me....They left after 2 days.....
The sad thing is my mother was busy through out my holidays with the preparations for annual day celebrations of their school.
Met some of my friends......and soon I am back in the train.....all set again to come back to the college......This time, I lost my footwear in the journey!! that too in the morning..... :(
Hope atleast the next time my journey would go smoothly and the holidays would be long enough to contribute sweet memories.

waiting for the end-sem break..........

PS: will post my next blog as soon as my mid sems end (they are just a week away....need to prepare)


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