how I spent my lectures

The worst ever day in my acad life is the "TUESDAY" 21/3/06....the unfortunate day for me enough to take all my strength away.....with NO LUNCH BREAK......Again, the credit goes to KK.....
My day started at 11:00 AM and ended at 7:00 PM WITHOUT any break.
I have to bunk in the middle of MCS lab to give my belly something to eat....otherwise, the poor thing would go crazy as I didnt have breakfast tht morning.....

In yesterdays CG lecture.....I could'nt even think of how to spend time
one way is to hear the lecture....which I could'nt do.....
the other way.....hmmmmm....lemme think....ya I got an idea :D
And thats the time, I gave my hand some work and here's the output:

U can name it (suggest the name in the comments to this post)

Thanx to Ganga for taking the snap


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